Thursday, December 10, 2009

Budding Thespians

This year's Lost Dauphin 4H club out did themselves at the Drama Festival in the beginning of November with a play called "Rowdy Kate" and a skit called "Cyrano de Cinema". They practiced for six weeks plagued with the flu for many cast members and scheduling conflicts for many others. Despite their difficulties "Rowdy Kate" took a first place and the coveted Best Play Award and "Cyrano" took a first place as well as the Best Individual Performance Awards went to two of their cast. It is always fun to watch all of the clubs perform and a day we look forward to each year.

Here is Taylor in her costume for Annabelle a schoolmarm.
She had a handful of lines this year and even had to faint!

Here is Azure posing with her Best Individual Performance Award. Always an actress. She played "Malora LaBloom" the famous self-centered movie star.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I think they unofficially have it. It's almost like admitting something immoral or the results of some socially unacceptable behavior.

My kids and my husband are running fevers that don't give a lick about what medication is used to keep them down. They have headaches that come and go ranging from eye pain to sore necks. The nausea has no rhyme or reason and who can forget that seal barking cough? I should mention these symptoms apply to all but Old Iron Guts Azure, who is fighting it quite stoically. I think she thinks she can will most of it away. Although she is having greater success in recovering than the others, she is actually the most amuzing when her fever starts to rise.

Only Parker is in the watch 'em carefully group and he seems to be getting the snot knocked out of him, but still holding his own. Still no real signs to see a doctor yet. But I promise to watch him closely.

I need to go make phone calls to the coaches and start the morning medication round.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fooootball been bear-dy bear-dy goooood to us!

Football season has pushed and collided its way into our lives. We love football season. During the week, we fans spend many hours at the park visiting and playing with friends while Parker and Azure perfect their football and cheerleading skills. The Westside Wolverines is a top notch organization run by a very devoted group of volunteers. They have taught the kids leadership, perseverence and how to get your bell rung in three easy lessons.

Parker's team record is 2 and 2. He plays nose tackle. On Saturday he broke through the line and sacked the quarterback. That was cool.

Azure is a co-captain this year on her cheerleading squad. That is cool too.

Here is my boy:

Here is my girl and her squad:

This is last year's photo. This year's cheerleading photos haven't been taken yet. She is the one in the front that the camera is focused on.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Now what?

My family went on a camping trip. They left Wednesday. I stayed home. It seemed like a good idea. I could get my work done. You know, the important stuff like getting the cloudy water out of the pool since there will be no cloud makers in it for a few days. Other interesting tasks like cleaning out the basement and straightening out the train table with no one to dismantle it. Oh not to forget school work with no distracting voices and bodies needing things.

I have done all of those things and more. Some are completed, some not. They could all be completed except the pool thing - that is going to take time. Truth be told it never was the fault of all of those others that I haven't gotten my work done - except well the pool thing - which I have already covered. It is me. I lack discipline without my distractions about. I wander and get bored. I like distractions, they give me energy. They motivate me because they show me that time is not mine. Life happens.

Quiet existence is well... nice, but give me back my NOISE!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Stick ManTournament-Part 2

Welcome to part two of this tournament. Today's match will be Link Vs Kevin. Please don't watch the end of this video, what I say is embarrassing.
Winner link. Next time will be the other side of the tournament grid.

One more thing we got a new CPU our old one died but thankfully Mom got most of the files saved on thumbdrives.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

We're Nomless

It's hot and it's humid out. Mother Hubbard's cubbard is very bare. But more improtantly... WE'RE NOMLESS!
Everyone on my softball team got their pictures. I got mine too. I pitched first for the first time in a game on Thursday. That was fun.
I am out of school along with my younger siblings. Even though I've been out of school for a little over a month I'm still not so sure what to do with all of my free time.
It's almost the Fourth of July and for our yearly Christmas in July party. Crazy I know. But every year just before Christmas, one or all of us gets sick and our holiday plans are shot.(Usually not me though, I'm not called "Old Ironsides" for nothing.) So we have started a new tradition by getting together during the summer when no one is sick. Last year it was at our house, this year it's at my aunt's house.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

President Obama

Today the President of the United States of America, Mr. Joe Walsh - no I mean Mr. Barack Obama came to town. I know because of the many passes of the helicopter over my house,

the many road blocks and the plethera of armed men milling about with ear pieces

and large furry dogs on leashes.

The sharp shooters on the roof of the school lended a nice touch as well. Sorry - No picture, the camera had been substituted for a sandwich by then.

We did not actually see the President, but saw his motorcade rush in and even more quickly rush out. I would hate to have to travel with that many of my best friends everywhere I went!

We saw a man with a sign cause 3 men in black with ear pieces, perhaps secret service, one bomb dog, and a whole lot of Green Bay's finest converge in one location. Today was not a good day to cause a scene. Even a very quietly handled scene.

Wow - just wow.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

HELLO ...HEllo ... hello

Peaking in...

Do you hear that? Shh, listen. It's nothing.

It's nothing because today is "take a kid fishing day" and my husband has taken our three children and the neighbor children to the conservation club for a day of fishing and fun.

Woo! Hoo! Shhh. Sorry. I won't be so loud.

Quietly sneaking out.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stickman Tournament - Part One

What do you think?

Link or Ironman?
Kirby or Riku?
Cloud or Kevin?

I am not taking bets, but here is the opening match:

Round 1: Ironman vs Link

Winner: Link

Round 2 to follow.


Drama Island - Our Style

Today began with Taylor requiring a bucket at both business ends of the child. She was very sick most of the morning dozing off on the couch and running and bowing to the porcelain god.

That was six hours ago. Now she is bouncing off the walls looking for something to do that girls with the flu can do. She is lamenting about having to miss Tail Waggers and demanding that I make her siblings play with her.

Good thing this flu is short lived. When does the "24 hour keep them away from others" protocol begin, with the first trip to the bathroom or the last? She will be going to softball practice and Bible study tomorrow night.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


I have a question.

I applied for a job at Menard's to stock shelves bright and early in the morning on Mondays through Fridays. It seemed like a good fit to me. A little extra money, employee discount on roofing materials, and the hours won't mess with my kid's summer sporting schedules. I get that I may not be what they were looking for and didn't see the great fit that I did, but shouldn't they at least have the common courtesy to return my phone call and/or reject me in writing?

I hear this voice in my head whispering, "Hey, Deb! The 80's called... They want your expectation for courtesy back."

Friday, May 1, 2009

To a bonfire we will go, To a bonfire we will go...

Hi everybody. It's Azure. If you live here the weather's great, nice and warm. You know what I love about Fridays? You can stay up late and sleep in on Saturday. (Unless you've got something shaking.) We're going to our friend's house today for a bonfire, s'mores, and the crowd favorite game; run-away-from-whoever-is-on-the-four-wheeler. It's going to be wicked fun! We still have to do math before we go. If you haven't read my last post, we are a homeschooling family and proud of it. Please remind me to tell you what we did. To do that just leave a comment. Over and out. ;) LOL

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Every which way and random

Hi I'm Azure. (That's a short "a", a "sh" sound only the "s" is a "z" and the rest of my name sounds like "er") Lots of people get my name wrong. I've even been called "Asher" before that's a boy's name. But then again I am used to it. I'm Deb's oldest. Just so you know, the blog is mine on Thursdays and Mondays to post something.

We are still praying for Stellan a little baby with heart trouble. PLEASE keep him in your prayers. My mom cried when she read MckMama's (Stellan's mom) post. Very good blog. Even Steven Curtis Chapman is praying for Stellan.

My dad and I are in an Easter play. I'm a townsperson, my dad's a Jewish leader. We are performing on Good Friday at our church. When the townspersons make their final exit, I'm going to shed tears. (Not real ones, but I can actually make myself cry.)

Tomorrow my mom, sister, and I are going to a Super Chick concert with some friends of ours. It's going to be AWESOME!

And just for the sake of explaining our blog title, Nomless, check out You will see that whenever the picture or caption has something to do with food, they call them "noms" and "noms" at our house are candy. When we named the blog we were "Nomless" Ha Ha.

The other day I claimed I ate my homework. My mom was helping me with a concept I didn't get with my math. I had torn off a piece of paper I did my math on and was chewing on it. When I got the concept Mom asked to see my work I declared I had eaten it. But the really funy part was she took me seriously. So she started flipping through my math book to make sure I didn't stick it in there. While she did that she asked me if I had swallowed it. I said no, I had just spit it into the garbage can. But the jig was up when she saw my work behind me. "Is that it?" she asked. I glanced over my shoulder "No." I said, but it actually was. So later I asked her why she had actually thought that I had eaten my homework. She said that knowing me I very well could have. That's all I have to report.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April Fools

Today I woke up to no silverware, no soap in the shower, no pants in my dad's closet, my mom's cereal switched with legos, and almost being tangled in my covers.

This is April Fool's at our house.

So far this week we have been praying for baby Stellan a small baby with heart trouble. So please pray for him.

Good Day to You all


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Houston, We have a Blog

Finally, we have made it into the 21st Century. Maybe it's my new groovy phone, or perhaps the annoying begging of my children, but I have finally agreed to start a blog.

Funny how spell checker doesn't think blog is a word.

Good day.