Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fooootball been bear-dy bear-dy goooood to us!

Football season has pushed and collided its way into our lives. We love football season. During the week, we fans spend many hours at the park visiting and playing with friends while Parker and Azure perfect their football and cheerleading skills. The Westside Wolverines is a top notch organization run by a very devoted group of volunteers. They have taught the kids leadership, perseverence and how to get your bell rung in three easy lessons.

Parker's team record is 2 and 2. He plays nose tackle. On Saturday he broke through the line and sacked the quarterback. That was cool.

Azure is a co-captain this year on her cheerleading squad. That is cool too.

Here is my boy:

Here is my girl and her squad:

This is last year's photo. This year's cheerleading photos haven't been taken yet. She is the one in the front that the camera is focused on.