Thursday, December 10, 2009

Budding Thespians

This year's Lost Dauphin 4H club out did themselves at the Drama Festival in the beginning of November with a play called "Rowdy Kate" and a skit called "Cyrano de Cinema". They practiced for six weeks plagued with the flu for many cast members and scheduling conflicts for many others. Despite their difficulties "Rowdy Kate" took a first place and the coveted Best Play Award and "Cyrano" took a first place as well as the Best Individual Performance Awards went to two of their cast. It is always fun to watch all of the clubs perform and a day we look forward to each year.

Here is Taylor in her costume for Annabelle a schoolmarm.
She had a handful of lines this year and even had to faint!

Here is Azure posing with her Best Individual Performance Award. Always an actress. She played "Malora LaBloom" the famous self-centered movie star.