Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Batman conquers the Joker

I win! I win! I win! The boy helped. He always helps. It's okay. One day he will move out and I will have to play alone.

Finally Here.. well at my house anyway

I drooled over all the new games coming out for the PS3 for months! Sure I have plenty of gaming systems, but oh my, the new stuff I was missing, mostly Batman: Arkham Asylum. So for Christmas my family got me a new PS3 - everyone enjoys it either through gaming or viewing Netflix on it. We don't do much internet cruising on it. I knew the newest games on the market were priced pretty high and I don't like to buy new because, well it's just too expensive. So I went looking for a used Batman game. The used game was few and far between at our Gamestops whenever I dropped in and on the rare occasion one would be there the used price was only five bucks less than the new price. Ugh!

So.. I waited and waited and waited. Hey, four months for me is a long time. Patience, virtue and all that. Not so good in that department.

On Mother's Day my boy and I went to Gamestop for something to do. Batman's price was right where I wanted it. I bought it. I now know why it took so many people to start selling them back. I don't know that I will part with this one either.

I will start my waiting for the new Final Fantasy game and Uncharted II. I hate to admit this outloud, but I did reserve a copy of the new Mario. I can't wait for Mario, ever. I might have a problem.

Friday, May 7, 2010

To Clean or Not to Clean

To clean or not to clean, that 'tis the question.
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
the slings and arrows of armed dust bunnies
or take vacuums against a sea of fur balls and
by opposing, end them.

A few weeks ago I purposely took an Internet break so I could get some work done around the house. I will have you know, it worked.

I have tired of that.

Although I do enjoy the results, I also enjoy being in the know and sitting on my rear-end clicking. Such a struggle. Probably not life or death though. So here I am, blogging. I am telling myself that I am working out the conflict. Imagine, by the time I finish picking out a new background and font colors as well as editing this post, I could have had my whole main floor vacuumed and picked up. Or even a bathroom cleaned.

Well, alright. Here I go to do...